
Nearly 200 injured and 1 civilian killed and 4 are critical in twin South Kashmir Districts; *Kulgam and Shopian*

Meanwhile, clashes continue in volatile Pinjura Shopian where civilian Sajad Ahmad has been killed. People called it a black day in Kashmir. 
As per latest information More 3 got bullet injuries.M.shafi Malik S/O GH. Mohammad Malik R/O Gugloora Pinjurah got Bullet injury Right leg. Showkat Malik S/O GH. Mohidin R/O Gugloora Pinjurah got a Bullet injury Right foot. Both referred to Srinager for further treatment.
One army Jawan was also Injured with bullet. Sep.Mahesh of 44 RR.   Belt number 16121670N Referred to 92 BH Srinager.
TP News

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